Enable roadmap reports that only show parking lot releases.
As a product manager, I can run roadmap reports that only display parking lot releases, so that I can analyze my future opportunities. We use custom roadmaps to communicate with our stakeholders. Our CTO would like to know what we're considering d...
Daniel Cohen
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
When promoting multiple ideas to a single artifact, aggregate fields that allow for multiple values
Who would benefit? Everyone using both Ideas and Roadmaps. What impact would it make? It would reduce manual updates of possible lost data. How should it work? If multiple ideas are promoted to the same artifact (a feature, for instance), fields i...
9 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow for exclusion of weekends/holidays in datediff calc
Who would benefit? anyone currently needing to do this calc in xls What impact would it make? all of my data is in Aha but I have to export it monthly to do this calculation because xls can do it and Aha can't. it would be nice to be able to do th...
Crystal Stone
9 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Automation - Populate Team on existing Requirement from Feature
We create features and their requirements before assigning to a team to execute the work. We would like automation to auto-assign any existing requirements to the same team if a team is set at the feature level.
Judith Kilthau
over 1 year ago
in Backlogs / Features
Future consideration
Automation rules support for "no value" (or "empty")
I'd like to see an option for an automation trigger that is based on "no value" (or "empty") for a field value. Practically, this would allow me to create an automation so an email is sent if a feature is created/updated to have no epic.
David I.
about 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
I would like to be able to have my QA team track bugs against a Requirement. It would enable better visibility into the probability of a specific feature / requirement making it in to a projected Release (or the likelihood of the release slipping)...
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
You ought to be able to perform the same action on a selection of ideas portal users. Here's a scenario I recently encountered:I created an ideas portal for someone else's project. In advance of that person announcing the project and calling for f...
over 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Add ability to add custom field to portal user table
My product services customers from two different industries and in multiple different user roles. I need to do analysis on what type of user is accessing the idea portal itself to evaluate portal adoption. Ideally need a way to collect and analyze...
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists