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Visualize Master Features -> Features dependencies

The visualization feature works only for record links within features. I need a way to view the list of master features and all the links to the features they contain. Trying to maintain ordering within releases for master features vs features is ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Ability to display external release date on portfolio roadmap report

Displaying the internal date is very helpful, but miscommunicates the expected release date for sales and marketing. By allowing me to choose which date I show, I can communicate the right information to the right stakeholder.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Already exists

Weekly Summary Email Includes Edited Features as Active Features

As a Product Manager, I want stakeholders of my Product to receive a weekly notification of the features that I have created, deleted, or edited within the past week, so they can see which features are actively being developed and investigated as ...
Ben Hampton almost 7 years ago in Reports 6 Already exists

Leave product hierarchy expanded after saving changes to a product.

I have a multiple tiered hierarchy set up for my product lines with sub product lines. When I make changes to multiple products, I use the configure product/product line tool to give me a visual representation of the product hierarchy. If you dril...
Guest about 7 years ago in Product 1 Already exists

Html embedded reports

It would be helpful to be able to embed lists, pivot tables, charts, timelines, hierarchies in an iframe so that they can be embedded into wikis / live documentation, I know you can export images and pdfs but this means that every time the informa...
Wayne Allan over 7 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Make it easier to add features to release phases.

Dragging and dropping is difficult and annoying. Is there a way we can have an "Add to phase" button like the one we see when adding an existing epic to the roadmap?
Jaclyn Fine over 7 years ago in Releases 3 Already exists

Remove the field of 'Categories' in the Ideas object when there are no categories

Current when you create an Idea there is a field called 'Categories', however there are no categories configured for the Idea in question. When there are no Categories configured, could that field be removed as it looks odd being on the screen whe...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Auto total of feature scores to be combined to create release score

Currently I am scoring at a feature level, and then having to go through and add up all of the feature scores to be able to get my release score populated. Ideally, it would be good if each scored feature could affect the release score automatical...
Kathryn Taylor almost 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Managed ideas at product line level (navigation primarily)

It would be very useful for the ideas section to be available at product line level as well as product and for it to roll up ideas from contained lines/products. Where a product owner manages several products (in our case, a significant number of...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Parking lot close button remain on screen through scroll

In the parking lot when I scroll to the right, I wish the close “>” stayed in the upper left so I didn’t have to scroll back to the beginning to close it.
Jessica Groff almost 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists