In Develop, allow items imported from dev tools to be added to Product work
Who would benefit? Users who receive product requests via GitHub or similar What impact would it make? It would allow to add both Product- and Engineering-related items from importer extensions How should it work? When dragging an item from the im...
Alexey Zimarev
12 months ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
Enable navigation within a whiteboard by extending 'copy link to object' feature
Who would benefit? All whiteboard users: designers, facilitators, cross-functional teams, workshop participants, Guest users... What impact would it make? Improve navigation between different parts of a whiteboard, for example as part of pre-struc...
Ian Babelon
12 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Allow Aha! users to setup a watch directly in the ideas portal, just like Subscribe for portal users
Most of our Aha! users do not actually need access to the full application. Access to our private Ideas Portal would be enough, but unfortunately Google Apps authentication is not supported directly. To overcome the lack of Google Apps auth...
Antti Toivonen
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Automatically relate all features within an Epic with each other
When I look at a feature A and want to navigate to another feature B, while both are part of the same Epic X, I need to first navigate to the Epic and then from there switch to "Related" tab to navigate to the other feature B. It would be much eas...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
There is a lot of flexibility with the user permission settings. As an administrator it would be nice if I could impersonate a user to identify possible issues. This feature is found in other applications in the market.
over 10 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
Preserve estimates when converting a feature to an initiative
When you convert a feature to an initiative, you see some warnings about field data that will be lost. One of these is "Estimates" with a warning that "Estimates do not exist on initiatives" which is not accurate. If you proceed with conversion, t...
Maria Plotkina
6 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Search for Ideas concerning one workspace not all workspaces
What is the challenge? 1) When searching for and selecting relevant Ideas about a product/workspace, I have to wade through all Ideas. This takes a lot of time and effort without no guarantee of success. 2) The section 'Portal Comments' (located b...
Ian Babelon
6 months ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Searching for and creating a report of customer Ideas should be more granular and easier
What is the challenge? Searching for ideas by specific themes, topics and keywords can be tricky in the Report back-end feature for customer-facing Ideas Portals. I was searching for Ideas by topic on the Ideas Portal for a product for which we ha...
Ian Babelon
6 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
When features are created it would be nice to create a related idea for it so it can be tracked through the ideas portal. As these features come in we know they are good for the product but need to work through details and timing of it. To help co...
Josh Nolan
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
Show all report options even if disabled in the navigation
Currently if you have disabled report types in your navigation such as List, Pivot, and Chart, they won't show up as option in the report type switcher. The toggle only shows up if you enable at least 2 of list, pivot, chart or roadmap reports. Wi...
Emily Yankush
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration