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In advanced filters with OR groups, ensure options are filtered down in the correct group and not globally

What is the challenge? When using two or more OR subgroups with advanced filters, if the same filter, such as workspace name, is used in both groups, other filter options will be narrowed down to the workspace(s) selected in the first filter group...
Maria Plotkina 2 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Enable borders around images in Knowledge

What is the challenge? Images, especially screenshots, often have white space What is the impact? Enhanced Viewing Experience Describe your idea Having a border option, similar to office application would enhance the look of the image without havi...
Steve C 7 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Ability to sort To Dos by Due Date, Assigned to or Name

What is the challenge? We have to manually drag and drop To Dos in order to have them displayed in the order desired What is the impact? It is tedious to drag and drop Describe your idea I want the ability to sort To Dos by Name, Due date or Assig...
Guest about 19 hours ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add shipped ideas to weekly portal summary email

What is the challenge? There is no way to currently notify all portal users when an idea is shipped (unless the user is subscribed). What is the impact? Customers can see that we deliver on ideas we receive. Describe your idea The weekly portal su...
Brittany Rhoney about 21 hours ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Show poll results within an organization

What is the challenge? Poll responses and organizations are not connected today within the organization detail. What is the impact? Organizations help to get a picture of activity by contacts within an account. There is no indicator from within an...
Kristina Gass about 22 hours ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Enable merging a many to many relationship custom table field with a predefined tags field

What is the challenge? Currently, it's not possible to merge a many to many relationship custom table field with a predefined tags field What is the impact? Manual effort required to export and import via CSV when creating a new predefined tags fi...
Terence Osmeña 1 day ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Block adding children to closed or cancelled objects.

What is the challenge? Users are able to associate new features/epics to closed or cancelled initiatives What is the impact? Reporting on end dates for the parent is not reliable Describe your idea Force users to reopen parent OR select an alterna...
Melissa Miller 7 days ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add Rally "Project" field to integration reports

What is the challenge? What Project Name is an integration connecting to for Rally Integrations What is the impact? Cannot create a list report showing what Project Name is an integration connecting to in Rally Describe your idea Add the 'Project'...
Mike Jacobson 3 months ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

The "Show In Portal" Column On The "Statuses And Workflows" Screen Should Allow A User To Set ANY Status Value To "Hidden By Default" Just Like You Do For "Shipped"

What is the challenge? Ideas that are in certain statuses, such as "Will Not Do", unnecessarily clutter the portal, are not useful to most portal users most of the time and make it difficult for users to find the ideas they are looking for. What i...
Eric Masur 4 days ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Change empathy session email address

It would be ideal if we could change the empathy session email address to use our own domain so that our customers don't view the email as suspicious and know that it is coming from us. Currently the empathy sessions are sent from ...
Jeff Shaffer 6 days ago in Empathy sessions 1 Future consideration