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My ideas: Strategy

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Add Features to multiple initiatives

Many intiatives may benefit from some common functionality. If you could add a feature to multiple initiatives it would allow you to better track the impact of the feature across the entire business.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Strategy 45 Will not implement

Make it easier to identify the correct Goals and Initiatives when setting in downstream records

Who would benefit? Organizations that need to ensure that a large group of users link records together in a consistent way for roll up reporting. What impact would it make? Improved data quality by providing a narrow selection of possible goals an...
Dale Potter about 1 year ago in Strategy 3 Future consideration

Control which personas & competitors should be inherited and which not

At the moment all personas & competitors are inherited from the levels above even if some do not apply. In order to avoid duplication by defining the same persona/competitor over and over at the product level it would be much better if persona...
Markus Gujer over 6 years ago in Strategy 4 Future consideration

Addition of Value Proposition Canvas to strategy tab

Thanks for bringing the Business Model Canvas to Aha! it brings great value for us. In addition to the Business Model Canvas it would be amazing to be able to specify the value proposition and the customer segments in a more detailed manner to fac...
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 5 Already exists

Export supporting description with Product Vision.

When I export the product vision, I want the supporting description that is entered beneath the circles diagram to be exported as well so that I can include my vision summary for stakeholder consumption. There is a text box beneath that states "th...
Matthew Wood about 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Need a Partner section in Strategy to work identical to competitors.

We have lots of partners we want to track strategic alignment with. What they do, products they integrate with, contacts, markets we align on. etc.
Ryan Thiessen over 9 years ago in Strategy 8 Already exists

Inherit Vision, Goals and initatives from other product lines

When initially setting up Aha it would be great to be able to have a Strategy for the Firm and then inherit and modify each of the elements by product line and product. This way you can cascade and align objectives easily. Vision, Goals, and initi...
Guest about 10 years ago in Strategy 5 Unlikely to implement

Add "Use Case" management

Defining a vision, a set of goals and initiatives are important, but one thing that is missing is use cases. Some PMs don't define them because they can be a bit redundant or simply unnecessary, depending on the product and target market, but some...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Strategy 8 Unlikely to implement

RSS Feed/Google Alert for Competitors

The competitors tab is great for tracking information I input about competitors. One of the default sections for competitors is the 'Recent News'. It would be very helpful if instead of me having to keep up 'recent news,' I could just input the rs...
Rob Bedeaux about 9 years ago in Strategy 5 Future consideration

More visualization options for strategy diagram

The circular diagrams in the strategy section(Vision & Diagram) do not visualize well on today's browsers and monitors. Text is too small, data overflows. A more simple Left to right hierarchy would be more understandable, sharable and viewable.
Steve Lapp over 9 years ago in Strategy 9 Future consideration