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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Strategy
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 20, 2015

Add "Use Case" management

Defining a vision, a set of goals and initiatives are important, but one thing that is missing is use cases.  Some PMs don't define them because they can be a bit redundant or simply unnecessary, depending on the product and target market, but some companies and products absolutely do.  Many large software companies have sales forces that hone in on use cases as part of their sales process.

It would be very nice to, like goals or initiatives, be able to create and define use cases and then be able to relate them to features and releases.

    Jul 22, 2022

    Thank you for your idea. This is a great use for custom tables. This would allow you to define the key details that are needed to track use cases for your organization. You could then link them to features and other records throughout Aha! Alternatively, a simple approach would be to use a custom field to associate key use cases to features and other records.

    This article provides more details on how to link key business details, such as use cases, to features.

    Given the options above and other priorities, we are unlikely to implement this idea at this time. We hope you can understand.

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  • Randy Carlson
    Jul 31, 2019

    This is a very big deal.  Not sure what possible priorities you have that causes a sidelining of this critical capability.

  • Admin
    Chris Waters
    Jul 18, 2016

    If you are using the Enterprise+ plan then you could use custom tables to create use-cases in Aha! and link those use cases to features. You can read more about custom tables:

    They allow you to add additional data tables and screens to Aha! so that you can tailor it your specific application. I think custom tables would allow you to do everything you are describing in the idea.

  • Guest
    Jul 18, 2016

    Defining use cases in Confluence (and linking them to a feature in Aha!) will be a potent enhancement.  Mapping Initiative -->Features -->Use Cases --> JIRA tickets provides a clear audit trail from initiatives to granular Jira tickets.

  • Dan Molloy
    Apr 4, 2016

    Agree with Derek- visual use case tool would be ideal.

  • Derek Fields
    Feb 18, 2016

    I agree that the ability to define use cases at a product and feature level would be a great addition to the tool. Often I find it difficult to describe the value of a feature or even the entire product without resorting to discussing use cases. This helps set up story mapping and other tools for driving the definition of features and prioritizing them. 

    I envision a diagramming tool, not just a textual tool, that would let me show in visual terms how a use case would flow through the system and identify the features that make up the use case.

  • Guest
    Feb 2, 2016

    Use cases would be helpful in the Strategy Overview section.  I'd like to see it as an additional tab specific to use cases that could later be associated to features-requirements.  I find that defining use cases helps me to focus in on the features for my products and the markets I want to target.

  • Tom Andries
    Sep 20, 2015

    It would be a more general solution to allow for a user defined hierarchy, both in number of levels AND in naming. The current feature-requirement doesn't cut the cake for all. Hierarchies I can think of are for instance: epic-feature-user story-task or process-use case-use case slice-functional requirement/task OR feature/issue-requirement/task. It would also be nice to be able to link each of those elements to a client (list of clients in db, not in a gigantic list)

  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2015

    Useful. I was thinking of using tags but it would be nice to have way to identify use-cases for features. Can this be accomplished with custom field?