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Created by Ankar S
Created on Feb 2, 2021

Make success metric field optional and/or remove field from Goals layout

Similar to every other field on a Goal record, I would like to be able to remove the ‘Success Metric’ field and/or make it optional on the create screen.

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  • Kim Bremer
    Oct 29, 2024

    This is true for the Create Goal pop-up layout as shown in the screenshot, but under Goal View layout the Success Metric cannot be removed. It can be hidden but it would be cleaner to be able to remove it entirely for our existing OKR workspaces.

    1 reply
  • Kim Bremer
    Mar 11, 2024

    Now that OKRs have been released, this behavior is really out of place and annoying. Please prioritize this idea for implementation!

  • Guest
    Jan 25, 2023

    Yes please! Please remove.

  • Kalyndra Craven
    Nov 7, 2022

    We have the same use case as many who have already commented, we need to track multiple KRs each with a metric for one goal/objective.

  • Max O.
    Jun 21, 2022

    Agree with Richard M's comment below. We are having to use the description box to store (O)KRs as the 'Success metric' isn't useful in it's current state, and being a required field makes it all the more frustrating!

  • Nerissa Muijs
    Jun 16, 2022

    Please make this optional, we have custom success metrics and now every time a goal is created we have to add a note "see metrics tab" (or similar).

    Please also make it so that it can be removed/hidden from the overview.

  • Elena Wood
    May 19, 2022

    Agree with all the comments! Would like the field to be optional for all these reasons.

  • Brett Wilmeth
    Mar 17, 2022

    We also would like to see this happen. We also have multiple metrics and plan on using a custom table to track the metrics.

  • Guest
    Mar 17, 2022

    We have 2-3 success metrics for each goal. Making this optional, we can create "Key Metrics" field to track all of them under one goal and make Success Metrics as Optional and/or remove it

  • Michael Tucker
    Feb 12, 2022

    This is a big need for our team. It's disruptive having required fields like this, as it doesn't always make sense for Goals.

  • Juliette K
    Feb 10, 2022

    This functionality would help our team - we would like to standardize the success metric as a predefined choice list, opposed to the open text field

  • Dionne Stewart
    Sep 21, 2021

    Would like to rename the field (We are using the term performance metrics) and add additional additional values so can track multiple metrics.

  • Richard M
    Jun 4, 2021

    We are using OKRs where an Aha! goal record is the objective and a custom table holds the key results. An implementation is provided in an Aha! article. Thanks by the way. Each KR has its own success metric and there is expected to be 3 to 5 key results for each objective. This renders the required success metric of no value. We generally post "see key results" in the success metric field simply to satisfy the creation of the goal record.


remove the required flag from the success metric for Goals

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please give account admins options to remove 'standard system' fields from layouts

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