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Created by Kevin Martin
Created on Mar 13, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-10286 Make success metric field optional and/or remove field from Goals layout.

please give account admins options to remove 'standard system' fields from layouts Merged

We need to remove unwanted 'system' standard fields, ie goal success metric field that conflicts with our OKR solution. We often have user requests to remove fields we do not value. Across all layouts I want to hide any non-required fields we do not want users to see, and if needed I want to autopopulate something and hide actual field from user experience..

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Mar 13, 2023

    Hi there, thank you for your idea. It is currently possible to remove standard fields that are not required. Currently the goal success metric field cannot be removed because it is actually a required field on goals. I am going to merge this idea with a related idea that specifically requests an update to the success metric field.