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Improve display for time in status field when used in pivot table calculations

The new "time in status" field displays well on list reports, in dd hh min format. When that same field is utilized in a pivot table calculation to take the average time, it displays in what appear to be seconds. It would be helpful if the average...
Maria Plotkina 2 days ago in Reports 0 Likely to implement

Integrate ideas with Jira

What is the challenge? Companies that use both Jira and Aha! ideas must go through extra steps to send information between the two systems. For example, if a small fix comes in as an Aha! idea, it must first be promoted to a feature or requirement...
Kelly Sebes 5 months ago in Ideas / Jira 4 Likely to implement

Be able to filter on archived timeframes

Today when a timeframe is archived, it no longer appears as an option when adding a filter on a timeframe. It is possible to report on archived goals and initiatives using a filter to show archived records, but it makes it difficult to report on t...
Max Robbins 25 days ago in Strategy 0 Likely to implement
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Dashboard Dynamic Filters

Ability to filter reports dynamically in the dashboard. For example, apply an initiative filter to all reports in the dashbaord so I don't have to create multiple dashboards showing the same information for different initiatives.
Erin Jones almost 4 years ago in Reports 22 Likely to implement

Configuration to limit notifications from requirements of features being watched

What is the challenge? Whenever a user watches a feature, they automatically receive notifications for all of the requirements that are created and updated on the feature. What is the impact? Users would be able to limit the amount of unnecessary ...
Justin Paulson about 1 month ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Likely to implement

Standardize the formatting of AI-generated release notes

What is the challenge? When we generate release notes, we rarely get the beautiful results showcased in the Aha! blog post: What is the impact? The formatting is inconsistent. This causes me to have to go back and manually edit/update each release...
Nathaniel Collum 24 days ago in Releases 1 Likely to implement

Add standard Key Results field on the create record view

What is the challenge? The standard Key Results field is available for use in the feature record view but is not available on the create pop-up. What is the impact? Users need to be able to identify the associated Key Results at the create step so...
Ashley Tierney 2 months ago in Features 0 Likely to implement

Streamline the way that we create a text-link to a different page in a Knowledge Base

What is the challenge? Creating a link from one topic to another takes too much time. Currently, you need to: 1) Go to the destination topic and copy its URL, 2) Return to the topic in which you want to create the link, 3) Select the text to be li...
David Yelenchic 2 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Likely to implement

Allow drill down on charts

Being able to display something in a chart but still view some detail behind it is a really efficient way for senior leaders to understand progress/status/other about work that is being done or planned.
Rachel North over 2 years ago in Reports 9 Likely to implement

Ability to change color and remove table borders in Notes

What is the challenge? When creating a table in Knowledge, I'm unable to remove borders or change their color What is the impact? If I need to lay the page out in a specific way, one way to accomplish this is to use a table; however, I don't alway...
Jeff Bye 2 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Likely to implement