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Support sprint retrospective view

Once I have completed a sprint, I want to refer to the detail within the Sprint Planning view. For example, in my sprint retrospecive which happens after a sprint is completed, I'd like to be able to see:

  • Planned estimate

  • Completed estimate

  • List of all completed features

  • List of features that were committed to and not completed (i..e moved out of the sprint).

  • Scope creep (features added to the sprint after it was started)

I have the following challenges with this use case:

  • Completed sprints disappear from the sprint view and clicking the "..." more actions view and viewing completed sprints opens up a list report

  • When a feature is removed from a sprint the planned estimate is updated to subtract the estimate of the feature. If the sprint is started already, the planned value should not change (or, you should be prompted if you want to change it)

  • I cannot see any audit of what was committed to the sprint after the sprint started

    Jul 10, 2023

    Aha! Develop now provides a sprint retrospective report so you can improve your team's planning.

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    • Matt Mazzei
      Aug 18, 2022

      We have renamed “Releases” to “Sprints” in our workspaces since our teams are Scrum teams.

      We could REALLY benefit from a “Sprint Report” that shows

      • Stories (aka Features) that were added after the Sprint started

      • Stories that were removed after the Sprint started

      • Stories that were not "Shipped" by the end of the Sprint and 'carried over' to the next Sprint or any future Sprint

      • Total # of Story points committed to the Sprint

      • Total # of Story points “Shipped” during the Sprint

      It looks like all this data is captured in the database since we can see it in Sprint>Details>View progress. We create our burndown report each Sprint and it would be great if all this information was in a table for us to report on.

      Thank you!

    • Admin
      Dale Potter
      May 24, 2022

      It would be great have a single sprint retrospective/summary view, that comes "out of the box". I'd want to see the burndown, the key metrics mentioned on this idea as well as the detailed log entries for changes during the sprint in case we wanted to further understand what happened during the course of the sprint.

    • Jeff Tucker
      Jun 22, 2021

      We're planning to implement developer analytics later this year. That will allow extension authors to create analytics with all of the data you mentioned!

    • +2
    5 MERGED

    Sprint Report

    Hello Aha! Support - Just to provide a little context.... I work with ~10 Scrum teams and we have been successful at configuring our Aha! workspaces to align with Scrum and SAFe.....we have renamed "Goals" to "PI Objectives", “Releases” to “Sprint...
    Matt Mazzei over 2 years ago in Sprints 1 Shipped