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Categories Sprints
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 25, 2021

Need a visual indicator that a Develop sprint was created

Noticed that when creating a new sprint, there is no visual indication that a new sprint has been created, or where it has gone. We had created and used one sprint, and went to create a second one for the next sprint, but the new sprint seemingly didn't show up anywhere. Ultimately we created about 20 sprints before we realized we needed to scroll down below the first sprint to see them (at which point there was a big list of them!).

Because the planning page is column oriented, we expected there to be a new column created and not have to scroll down.

    Oct 17, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. This is possible today you will see a message letting you know that the sprint was created. The status of this idea was out of date.

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