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A Private View of Comments or Notes

It would be great if we could mark Comments and Notes  as private or restricted based on the User's email domain (or something) so that teams who work with external clients (like my firm does) can still have "internal conversations" within Aha but hidden from our client's view. 

Similar to how the Ideas portal allows the Admin to control who can see it - this would allow my internal team to have a repository for notes/comments/discussions without worry about a client seeing something that might be draft-mode or is our internal research. 

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    • Ron Yang
      Dec 3, 2015

      You can do this today with Notes. You can create a product which can be accessed only by your internal employees. This can be a place to host information for internal conversations (and hidden from your client's view).

      Depending on the level in which your clients work with Aha!, you can also consider creating notebooks for them to review information (vs. allowing them to access the application itself). This could also help you to have more internal conversations.

      While we can understand the use case in working with clients, at this time, we are unlikely to make changes in this area for private/restricted comments as the platform is meant to be more of a transparent place. 

      We are going to mark this as "already exists" in covering the Notes aspect of your idea. But the specific enhancement related to comments is unfortunately not one we are able to make with our current priorities.

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