Would love for users to indicate on the idea if their comment appears as Public or Private. We have a lot of ideas where our customers have private information that they would like to provide directly to our PMs to give additional context. If they could choose if their comments are private or public, it would solve a lot of problems for us.
You can now give users the option to comment privately in your portal!
Learn more in today's blog post.
Thanks for adding this!
Turbonomic also wants this functionality for anyone with an Ideas login - customers, staff, partners, etc. The private comments would only then be viewable in Aha to PMs.
This issue explains what we need a bit better
Please think about implementing this. All we would need is a new button "Add PRIVATE Comment" which is only visible for portal users that are "Employees/Partner". This would solve our issue.
this would be a great enhancement to the portal. Allow options for public or private comments would truly help our product managers interact with support staff sharing ideas.
Absolutely on board with this Idea! We have large revenue customers who have truly business impacting Use Cases for their Ideas. They want to be able to share sensitive details with the PM team but do not want the information to be exposed to the entire world.
Hi Melissa. Thanks for the feedback! You may also be interested the idea Upvote an idea on behalf of a customer. This idea would allow your customer-facing teams to privately vote on ideas on behalf of customers and also provide additional private info. Consider voting for it as well so that we can keep you up-to-date.
APP-I-1634 was merged with this idea but I don't think it should be because these are two different problems/use cases. I need my Sales, Customer Success, etc teams to be able to add Private comments so that we can gather information such as which potential and existing customers requested the idea. We don't want this in a Public comment and we don't want the internal team members to have to remember to mark a comment as Private. Finally, we don't want to add all team members to Aha as users because we don't want them to see beyond what's seen by customers in the idea portal. I expect the recommendation is to have the customers directly enter into the portal. I would love that but we all know many won't take the time to do this.
This is so important for us!
Several customers have asked us for this functionality!!