Mapping of “Release name” towards custom fields in JIRA integration instead of “fixed version” or “affected version” only
currently the AHA-Jira integration only allows a mapping of "release name" values in either "fix version" or "affects version", in our case we would like to add it into a custom field, which gives us the possibility to decide in a sprint planning, which stories will be taken it into which sprint. That would give more flexibility to the Sprint vs. Release process.
Thank you for your idea. There are a couple ways you could handle this currently. First would be to create a custom field in Aha! to capture the sprint and map this to the sprint field in Jira. You could also map this field to a custom field in Jira if you do not use sprints in Jira. In this case, the release in Aha! would map to the GoToMarket release rather than the sprint.
At this time given the options above we are unlikely to add an option to map release to a custom field. We hope you can understand.
I think this was implemented in the Integration 2.0 a while ago. You can map Release to a Jira custom field.