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Integration Updates > Send Changes > Add Release filter & Status filter

On the Aha! Integration Updates screen for an Aha! to/from Jira Integration, I would like to see which releases and the status of what each of the items are for integration.  Being offered these filters would allow me to select that before importing or sending an integrated item.   

    Oct 12, 2018

    Thank you for your idea. The use case described in the description and additional comment is definitely inline with our recommended approach. The good news is that new features will not be sent or queued in integration updates until you manually select Send to <integration> on the feature details. This is designed intentionally for the use case described here. We would recommend not sending the feature until it is ready for engineering.

    At this time given the explanation above we are unlikely to implement additional filters in the Integration updates modal. We hope you can understand.

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    • Guest
      Oct 10, 2018

      Yes, for Requirements & Features that appear in the Aha! Integration Updates > Send Changes Screen...   I want to be very careful to only send Features and their associated Requirements that are mapped to a Release and have a status of something other than 'In Design' as we are holding all Features that are created with a status of 'In Design' & on the Parking Lot in Aha! and not sending them to Jira until assigned to a Release and Design is complete, as JIra is where our Engineering teams work and we only want them to have well defined Features.