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Status Future consideration
Categories Strategy
Created by Project Parker
Created on Mar 16, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-10678 Have linked releases to goals and initiatives only show work related to that container.

Goal/Initiative Report: Incorrect report on the number of features within the release for the goal/initiative Merged

If I create a goal, and then have a release associated to that goal, when looking at the detail of the outcome it reports the release and the number of features in the release and the number shipped.

The numbers are generic to the release. The number does not reflect the number of features within that release related to the goal or the initiative you are looking at. As a result, the numbers are of limited value. 

What will be preferred is if the numbers reflect the amount of features within the release are related to the goal or initiative you are looking at. 

OR, within the column it states "2 of a 6 epics" and for completed it states "1 of 6 epics". 

As a business, the goal detail and initiative detail are good one page reports to use via notebooks on a consistent basis. Having the information correctly displayed will add the value, whereas at the moment it is not truly reflecting information relating to the goal or initiative you are viewing.


Releases & Epics Reporting for an Initiative or a Goal

When viewing the detail of an initiative or an outcome, it shows the releases associated with it, the number of features and the number that have been shipped. There is not a 1-2-1 relationship between the epics in the release and the epics relati...
Project Parker about 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration