The JIRA ID and JIRA Key are reportable attributes within Aha! but they currently cannot be filtered in the reports.
Sometimes where a JIRA ID or Key are known, it would be useful to filter/search Aha! to find this information.
Release time frame | 1 month |
Thanks! ... I already added that filter to my saved list reports. much helpful!!
Hi Aha!
JIRA columns can't be filtered and at the same time they can't be added to calculations too using work around. It will be useful to be able to filter out JIRA columns for reporting purpose.
Hi Aha!
I'm not sure if there is an association but I'm pretty sure that columns that can't be filtered also can't be included in calculation columns. I'm curious if the change you're planning to make for this idea will also result in being able to include the Jira link information in calculations? If that is at all possible as a cheap add-on whilst doing this work, that would also be a great win for Aha! users.
After 6.5 years - Yee-haa. Better later than never. Thank you Aha for "not" forgetting about this.
This is a super important feature for the reasons mentioned above in comments.
The ability to report on synchronicity between Aha and Jira is massively hampered by not having this feature.
If we assume the Aha-Jira integration is set up correctly, then the only aspect we need to worry about is if the record in Aha has a Jira Key associated.
I am looking to produce live reports in the list and chart format, with all the Initiatives and Master Features that have not been synchronised with Jira. The best way to do this is to filter by Blank Jira Key.
At the moment I can only produce a list, which is sorted by Blank Jira Key at the top, then all other initiatives with a Jira Key beneath this. Whilst it does do the job, it means I cannot do visual reports on this, or slice the data so it is much more digestible for those I'm sending the report to.
We need this capability as well for data quality validation to to identify Initiatives that have not been synchronized to Jira.
Not being able to filter on Jira ID/Jira Key is seriously hampering data quality reporting for us. I have to export reports to Excel and trim them there to focus only on Features that have been synchronized to Jira. Please make these fields 'first class citizens' from a reporting perspective by adding the ability to filter on them. : )
I'm the Aha admin and deal with a lot of producers who want to be able to pull list reports together for their idea and features that have not been promoted to JIRA tickets (aka checking tickets that still need to be actioned).
Filtering based on null or non-null Jira Key or Trello ID would be enough for me.