It would be great if we could specify which features we'd like to show in the roadmap timeline view from a filter so we don't have to keep unchecking the features we don't want to show.
Good news! This is now in progress and is scheduled to be delivered by the end of the first week in December. Just to be clear, this will cover the roadmap timeline view. A super duper pivot table is a different feature and larger effort. Thanks for all the votes.
The pivot table improvements are being tracked with this idea:
The idea refers to supporting custom fields, but we also plan a number of other improvements including better filtering.
Brian - Great news on your Nov 25 post. Do we need to create a new idea to track the "super duper" pivot table? That's an important capability as well.
This would be a big win for us too.
Really need this including filtering by tags and custom fields in the roadmap pivot table too as gary says.
Can you extend this request to also support filtering by tags and custom fields in the roadmap pivot table. As with the original request, deselecting the features or releases that are displayed is unsustainable for a large multi-product portfolio with many tens of releases and hundreds of features.