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Multiple Time Frames on Custom Roadmap

New custom roadmap is awesome. Currently using to show timing of features grouped by initiative using feature start date and due date.  Would love to be able to show more granular view for planning purposes.  Eg. I have custom feature fields for Design start & end dates, DEV start and end dates and would be great to show holistic team resource allocation broken out by these functions vs. the entire feature lifecycle.

    Nov 7, 2019

    It is currently possible to create a custom roadmap using custom date fields. In the use case mentioned here, one way to approach this would be to create a roadmap for design and another for development. These two views could be added to a single presentation slide if you needed to present both sets of dates together.

    Given the current capabilities and historical support for this idea, we are unlikely to add the ability to show a record based on multiple sets of dates on a custom roadmap. We hope you can understand.

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