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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-5838 Support linking of features to goals for all products.

Ability to link Features to Goals and Initiatives from a different Product within the same Product Line

Ability to link Features to Goals and Initiatives from a different Product within the same Product Line.

We have multiple projects which are delivered in a matrix manner. Which means we have Teams aligned to Products which actually complete work from a different product. As such we'd like to link our features to goals/initiatives from another product.

I understand that we could have the in initiatives up one level in the product line, however this doesn't really suit us from a Strategy visibility perspective.

  • Admin
    Austin Merritt
    Mar 17, 2017

    Hi Luke, releases can be linked with initiatives within the containing product or product lines but not across other products.

  • Luke Hanson
    Mar 13, 2017

    Thanks Chris, is it at all possible to link Releases to Initiatives from another Product?

  • Admin
    Chris Waters
    Feb 24, 2017

    Note that Goals and Initiatives are handled a bit differently. You can only link a feature to a Goal from its containing product or product lines. With Initiatives you can link a feature to any initiatives from any product - so it is already possible to do what you are requesting.