Initiatives can currently be created in one product line and be used across many different products and product lines. Goals cannot even though they are a natural extension of this concept.
In my use case I have initiatives and goals that are fulfilled by many disparate products and activities but to achieve the desired functionality, I have to restructure my product hierarchy or have duplicate goals.
Our team separates our workspaces by activity/team, and there are times where a story will be added for another team that supports an initiative in a different workspace. It would be helpful to be able to apply the workspace goal where the initiative lives so that the supporting work that is assigned to a different workspace can be counted toward the progress of the original goal.
agree. in our use case, its the need is due to having a centralised PMO type function who would like to create goals in their own workspace, then track how different product lines are performing against them.
Use case.
PMM and PM team both have features/activities that share a common goal for a product. Goal exists in the product workspace, but PMM can't link activities to it from their workspace. Goal is not relevant for the entire company, which is the shared parent product line. Workaround is to use initiatives for what should be goals, or create an extra level in the hierarchy simply to support this workflow.