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Dynamic user filter

In a list view, I'd like the ability to programmatically set a filter to the user who is viewing the list table in that web browser.

I'm creating a set of audit style views. I'd like to filter the user programmatically to the user in that view. Kind of a my work or my todos for items that need to be cleaned up. Today I assign a random name. I could leave it for All, but then users might get discouraged by hundreds of records in the dataset. If I can set the view to automatically filter on the person viewing the list table,

1) they immediately see the data they need to work on.
2) they do not need to click anything to get to...increasing the likelihood they will complete the cleanup task.
    Nov 12, 2019

    Thank you for this idea. Since this was requested we have enhanced the My work page to include all work the user could be assigned to, including:

    • Releases

    • Ideas

    • Master features

    • Features

    • Requirements

    • To-dos

    Given the new capabilities of the My work page, we are unlikely to implement this idea at this time. We hope you can understand.

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