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Option to one button click to expose epics to Idea Portals to get market feedback (especially for parking lot epics)

As a Product Manager, I want to copy an existing epic and paste it in the customer-facing Idea Portal so that I can get customer feedback on it in the form of votes.

The why:

For many existing epics that are residing in the Parking Lot, it would be helpful to select from the Actions, copy to Idea Portal so that the Product Manager does not have to manually recreate the record in the Idea Portal, and then link the two records together.

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    • Guest
      Oct 26, 2016

       Agreed.  Chris, feel free to close it down.

    • Guest
      Oct 25, 2016

      Thanks Chris, I just tested it out and agree this fulfills the idea Brent proposed here. Brent, if you agree, we can close this out as "Already Exists". I'm interested in the broad "gather feedback from users" capabilities, but will follow up directly.  Thanks!

    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Oct 25, 2016

      The "Create related idea" item in the Actions menu for a feature does a lot of what you are requesting. It will create an idea that is a copy of the feature and link the idea and feature together.

      We have considered more broad "gather feedback from users" capabilities as well. But I think "Create related idea" is the quick way to get what you want.

    • Guest
      Oct 25, 2016

      I think the easiest way to solve this problem from an Aha product perspective would be to add a function/option on the Feature/Epic view's drop down menu to automatically create an idea from the feature/epic title and description, link the idea to that same feature/epic, and automatically set the idea visibility flag to "visible to anyone". That way in one step you can start sending out the URL to the "feature/epic idea" to get market feedback from your customer base on features/epics in the parking lot that need some help differentiating from key customers. The link keeps the idea in touch with the feature/epic, and allows you to communicate with stakeholders/voters whenever the idea/epic has shipped. Normally you might have an idea already in Aha that is linked to the epic, but it doesn't always work out that way.  Sometimes you start with an Initiative/Hill, then create your Features/Epics, then need a way to get better market feedback on those Features/Epics.  IMHO, this idea\proposal would be a perfect (read: low effort, med to high value) way of delivering on this important product manager need.