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Status Future consideration
Categories Ideas
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 21, 2025

Being able to carry Epic information when promoting an Idea into a Feature

What is the challenge?

Make Ideas linked to Epics so it help our team to keep things organized, and also avoid us to do twice the job as there is no possibility to carry over Epic's information at the Idea level once promoted to a Feature.

What is the impact?

At the moment, we have 1000+ ideas in Aha. It will impact our productivity to be able to only do the work once we were pre-checking Ideas. At the moment, we have to set up the Epic in a custom field, then promoting the Idea to a Feature, and pick again the Epic on the newly created Feature.

Of course, we can bulk edit on a regular basis, but that's just make us loose our time and we don't benefit from "real time" information.

Describe your idea

In the Idea Layout, I want to be able to add an Epic field, similar to the one we have in the Feature Layout.
The content of this Epic field will be carried over once we promote the Idea into a Feature.

It will help us to organize and triage ideas more effectively.

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