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Target, Commit and Stretch Lines in Feature Board

Similar to Capacity line in the feature board , we would like a target, commit, and stretch line with user defined % of capacity.  Ex, 80% = commit, 100% = Target, 120% = Stretch with 3 lines.  This way I could have a quick visual of my capacity in relation to my 3 goals.

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    • Ron Yang
      Apr 8, 2016

      We've merged this idea into a similar one where we plan to make major improvements to capacity planning:

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    5 MERGED

    Enable displaying multiple capacity lines per release

    I'd like to be able to add multiple capacity lines for a release, to designate various values (my team uses a 95% line, 50%, 25%, etc). This will help me to quickly see how far over capacity a given release is and whether or not we _have_ to move ...
    Guest about 8 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration