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Status Shipped
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Created by Teresa Blok
Created on Dec 17, 2019

Add option to drive Feature progress % by the feature status

The progress % on a feature should be in sync with the status of the feature. When the status changes so should the progress %. Using to-dos, requirements, or estimates to drive the feature progress % isn't an option for us as different groups may or may not use those functions.  Instead we would like to drive the progress bar based on assigned values related to the features status, for example:


Feature Status Progress %
Gathering Requirements 25%
Ready for Development 40%
In-progress 45%
Ready to ship 90%
Shipped 100%
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    • Guest
      Aug 6, 2024

      I know progress can be set from work items below the item in question, but there isn't always one below it.

      Eg Stories to source progress from "requirements complete"

      But in ADO, if we don't break Stories down, and just Kanban so the Story is "Done", then this translates to "Released" in Aha, but progress is left as 0%. This then rolls up to Initiatives being left at 0% even if every ticket underneath is "Released".

    • Guest
      Apr 29, 2024

      I know this specifies Features, but I would like to see the same logic behind Epics and Releases (and any other levels it would make sense in) as well. We continuously have to go in and update progress on Releases because Jira only has 2 statuses - Unreleased/Released. In Aha, we want to give more context around where we are, which means all updates to statuses and sometimes progress is all manual. If there could be more logic around if Features are stated, then Release status would update, that would eliminate a lot of manual work (and quite frankly be more accurate). If this needs to be a separate idea, I'm happy to submit that!

    • Guest
      Apr 23, 2024

      you should also merge this idea - it is marked as already exists but the ask is for progress to be driven by feature status which the response does not address:

    • Guest
      Apr 23, 2024

      another vote for this idea. our work and statuses are driven heavily through the integration with our Engineering tool. not being able to have progress automatically set to 100% when the status is complete creates unnecessary manual work for our team.

    • Adam Routh
      Feb 29, 2024

      When a developer changes the status of an activity to complete, they come out of the system thinking that they've completed their work. I then need to go in and update the progress bar to 100% if the work they completed was 'manual' and didn't have any to-do's or requirements behind it. If i don't do this, it will remain incomplete or unchanged in colour and doesn't look complete.

    • Milosz Konarczyk
      Jun 13, 2023


      any update on that? It seems that feature is important to many people, it will reduce manual effort of Product Owner and improve data quality

      Will that idea be implemeted?

    • Edgar Holguin
      Oct 19, 2022

      As we are trying to standardize reporting methods, and most of our Product Managers missed updating the progress because is manual. I see a great advantage to having this option directly from Aha! of customizing an automatic rule based on different status

      For example:

      In design = 25%

      In development = 75%

      Shipped =100%

      Will Not Implement = 0%

      I hope you can consider this request in your future releases.

    • Guest
      Oct 14, 2022

      I am in full agreement that we need this capability. Right now we have to update manually, which the Product Mangers don't want to do -- I particularly agree with this means as an option of updating the progress - where we can define our status and the progress % -- do not not something that is pre-defined -- I need to define myself.

      Feature Status

      Progress %

      Gathering Requirements


      Ready for Development




      Ready to ship




    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Feb 10, 2022

      I see. Thank you for the additional context! That is helpful and I can definitely see value in a more detailed progress bar. It will be great to see what others think as well!

    • Jon Campbell
      Feb 10, 2022

      Thanks @Austin - love the direct engagement!

      All great features you've linked to.

      Apologies - I copied my comment from a helpdesk ticket where there was more context!

      I was referring specifically to the 'Features Board' where you set a progress bar linked to completion of underlying tickets in JIRA (attached)

      It's currently just say 50% green if 1 ticket is open and 1 ticket is closed. Would be great if you could map statuses to a couple of colours to show progress with a bit more nuance

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Feb 10, 2022

      Hi Jon, are you referring to the status workflow on a feature? If so, I did want to point out that you can fully customize the status options and associated colors. This article explains in more detail. You can then setup status mappings in the Jira integration as needed using the customized workflow. I hope that helps!

    • Jon Campbell
      Feb 10, 2022

      I'd also like to see more options around progress - although I'd see it drawing from underlying tickets/via integration - but with increased gradation - e.g.

      Currently – it seems to default to ‘Green = Closed’ – all other statuses clear/light grey.

      i.e. as part of the JIRA integration – I could set a status mapping for 3 rather than 2 colours – e.g.
      Green = Closed
      Amber/dark grey = in progress (and related statuses) or say in testing (and related statuses)
      Clear/light grey = not started (and related statuses)

    • Pete Jaworski
      Oct 18, 2021

      Need this asap. Very important to automate this and set the progress as complete when the feature is marked as complete.

    • Jamie Lefkovics
      Oct 18, 2021

      All I need is a simple setting.... as opposed to the multiples.

      IF Feature status is changed to Shipped, then automatically update progress to 100%

      IF Activity status is changed to Completed, then automatically update progress to 100%

      This is really a basic requirement and surprised its not there already. We have dozens of features and activities that have misaligned status and progress reporting. We cannot make users own this problem - need the above ASAP!

    • Mary D
      Jan 27, 2021

      I agree, this is really important for our team.

      Sometimes our features do not have any requirements against them and because the only option is to have it as 'Calculate from requirements completed' it marks the feature as 0% complete even when it marks as done!

      It is a real pain and is causing big problems with our roadmapping % complete.

    • Lori Anderson
      Jun 25, 2020

      I agree.
      As a development team, our features have 11 steps (from backlog to completed).
      It would be AMAZING to let stakeholders see progress based on a percentage of the current status. For my team, all statuses are weighted equally so it would be 1/11, 2/11 and so on, rounded to a percent.

      I would love to feature these in my pivot reports and other reporting to show actual current progress on features. Thanks!

    • Nir Soffer
      Feb 11, 2020

      Frankly I would expect that to be automatic by default.

    • Jiyaad Naeem
      Dec 18, 2019

      Sweet request

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