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Show Idea Details in linked Feature

When linking an idea to a feature, all you see in the feature is a link definition.  It would be very useful to be able to see the name of idea in the details section of a linked feature rather than just the idea link.


For example, we have one now where a feature has been created around a collection of semi related ideas so a line item of each descriptor from the idea would be great.

    Mar 11, 2016

    As mentioned, when linking ideas to features, we currently show the reference ID for the idea, which hyperlinks to the idea itself. 

    If there is relevant information from the Ideas, we suggest copy and pasting this information into the feature description or requirements. 

    At this time, based on current priorities and community feedback, we do not have plans to make updates in this area. We hope you can understand.

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    • Stefan Hellpointner
      Jan 6, 2017

      I agree. It would be nice to see the linked ideas (promoted from ideas) the same way relations are displayed. example attached.