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Allow tracking simultaneous tracking of both Feature-Level and By-Requirement estimates

The current AHA/JIRA estimate integration allows feature level OR requirement level estimates, however as we don't use JIRA for time tracking we want to use JIRAs 'Original Estimate' field with AHA's per-requirement estimates.

My suggestion would be to implement an additional option in the product-level JIRA integration to correspond to the time tracking options in the JIRA project;

Original Estimate
Features and Requirement estimates will update the Original Estimate field in JIRA.

Remaining Estimate and Time Spent
Requirement estimates will update the 'Time Remaining' field in JIRA

The outcome of these settings would be;

  • If 'None' is selected, all AHA estimates (feature level or per-requirement) will update the JIRA 'Original Estimate' field for the configured mapping
  • If 'Remaining Estimate and Time Spent' is selected, the requirement estimates are sent through to subtasks (or whichever JIRA item is specified in the integration), as per current functionality.


It would seem to me that for people who do use JIRA for time tracking it would be useful to allow AHA to update both the 'original estimate' and 'time remaining' in JIRA, however as I haven't used this in the field I can't provide solid use cases.

Thanks for your hard work!


    Apr 2, 2016

    Thank you for the request. As noted, the current implementation allows for estimate integrations at either the feature level or requirements level. At this time, based on current priorities and community feedback, we are unlikely to make updates in this area. We hope you can understand.

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