Currently there's no way filter categories (or any other column) to see which ones are empty.
I can set it to a specific category or "any" but there's no way to set it to "Empty" or do a negative filter like "doesn't have (specific category)".
You can now use the new “Is blank” reporting filter to find Aha! records with missing information.
Thanks! This is going to be a BIG help with my reports!
Same thing here - sometimes an idea will slip through the categorization cracks and currently the only way to find those is to go through the whole list.
Having ability to negative filter would be very helpful.
Right now I have a board that's dominated by features with a certain label. Sometimes it's really hard to see the features that don't have that label, so they quite literally end up with less attention.
This would help us as well. When Ideas come in, we do not require a category, but I want to watch for ideas with no category so that they may be categorized, and therefore assigned to the appropriate PM.
This would be great to help us keep everything categorized