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Ability to change order of products in idea portal drop down menu

Currently there is no way to manually manipulate or change the order that the products show up in the drop down menu or how they appear in the category list on the portal home page.  Need to do this so that I can put more important products towards the top and group them near each other where they are most relevant.

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    • Megan Oftelie
      Apr 6, 2021

      Was this ever implemented? I see that the products in the ideas portal are now sorted alphabetically, but we would like to re-arrange them based on popularity

    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Apr 21, 2015

      Changing the way that voting works in the idea portals is not a priority at the moment. When choosing features to implement we focus on ideas in our own portal that are gaining the most traction (votes).

    • Guest
      Apr 21, 2015

      Sorry to bug you...was that up and down voting going to be an option in your redesign of

       the idea portal?

    • Guest
      Apr 21, 2015

      Thanks for the prompt feedback Chris!  Lastly, I submitted a request for a potential up and down vote or like and dislike rather than just a positive vote.  Is that a possibility?

    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Apr 21, 2015

      I have linked this idea to a feature we were already planning to implement in an upcoming sprint. Re-branding of the ideas portal in all of its permutations is a populate request. However it is also much more complex conceptually, and to implement, and we are still deciding on the best approach. 

    • Guest
      Apr 20, 2015

      Thanks Chris!  What are the odds that we can customize to rebrand the voting as requested in 
