In addition to the existing statuses (Pending, Overdue, Complete), I would like a new status called Not Required. Currently we annotate the To Do title with n/a - however it would be easier to have this as a status as this would aid with reporting.
Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time.
I think this would be useful too, really like the ability to annotate that it was considered, but ultimately not undertaken
We use To Do's to manage GTM activity. From a master template, release phases and/or departments have a standard set of To Do's. Depending on the size/nature of the release, not all the template To Do's will always be required. We do not just want to delete them (as we want an audit that the To Do was considered and decided to be not applicable - as opposed to an oversight). Currently we annotate the To Do title with (not applicable), but it would be much easier to report on the list of Not Applicable To Do's if this was by status as opposed to free text in the To Do title.
Thanks for submitting this idea! Can you please share more about how you use to-dos so that we can better understand why this status is required?