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Searching for Initiatives

ASK: Please include the Product/Product Line in the type ahead results when searching for Initiatives to link to a given Feature/Release/etc. See attached.

When I am trying to attach an Initiative to something (i.e. Release), the type ahead field only works on the actual Initiative name. I can't remember all the Initiatives for a given Product/Product Line, but as a user I know I need to connect to an Initiative within Fredwin Cycling.  Using the current process I have to first navigate to the Product, review the Initiatives, make not of it on a piece of paper, then go into the Release and type the name of the Initiative. This is somewhat counter-productive.


    Nov 7, 2024

    Now when adding goals or initiatives to records you can search the workspace name if you need to see all options in that workspace. This should make it easier to find goals and initiatives when you are not sure of the specific name.

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