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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 5, 2019
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1697 Allow decimal points in scores.

Refine calculation for AHA score and allow decimals Merged

I have had customization done to the AHA score to I can use the WSJF method for prioritization. It looks great. A screen shot is attached. To use this method well you really need the calculation to perform to one decimal place. I have been told that this refinement is not possible (i do not have admin access so rely on another team member to set this up). The current score calculation is to a whole number so does not make the scoring very useful. It would be helfpul if I could in some way specify the number of decimals to use when calculating a score.

As a work around I have a separate custom field added labelled 'WSJF" where I manually input the value but that is not idea as I have to update manually each time and ignore the calculated value from AHA.