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Add Benefits Map/Success Map as a Product strategy model

We use Benefit Maps to help plan out work and recieve Business approval. The content of the map is all on Aha such as Company goals, initiatives, and often features. The latter two typically come through the our Ideas portal. It would be beneficial to be able to create this model using the data already in Aha rather than exporting to

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    • David Goodman
      Oct 2, 2020

      From what I've seen via a quick Google Image Search they are done in slightly different ways, all with a similar principle. For us we have 3 columns either side of a central column of the company goals and everything flow inwards. Because of its visual nature, it’s quite easy to trace back all of the actions leading up to a particular company goal.

      On the outside are all the intiatives that we have identified we want to work on, these then link to any business changes that needs to be made to enable that intiative.

      These are essentially our releases and features, the pieces of work we want to do.

      These releases then flow into the third column, what benefits do they provide the client or the business.

      These benefits then flow into the central column, where the company goals are stored.

      This particular image is probably the best representation of what we do

      • The enabler is the initiative

      • The business change is typically the release

      • The benefit to the client or business

      • The strategic objective is the goal

      You get a visual representation of the initiatives you have identified, the releases you are working on, the benefit they may have and how they link to the company goals. I know that Aha has visual reports such as the hierarchy and the diagram, which is very close, but it doesn't quite do what are looking for.

    • Admin
      Julie Price
      Oct 1, 2020

      Thanks for the idea!

      Can you please share a little more about your Benefit/Success map? I'd love to better understand what the visual includes and the expected format as I am not familiar with that term.