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Enable Progress Calculation as a Workspace setting

It would be nice to default the progress calculation for Goals, Initiatives and Epics at a Workspace level so that product managers don't have to do it at a record level for every goal, initiative and epic. It is tedious and leads to data error as some epics may get missed out in the setup and then you have to manually go in and manually add the progress field and set up the calculation. If the setting were at the workspace level, it would be easy to say ' All Goals progress is calculated based on the initiatives', ' All Initiatives progress is calculated based on the Epics' and 'All Epics progress is based on the stories completed'.

    Nov 17, 2021

    You can now set default progress calculations by record type in Aha! Roadmaps — from feature up to goal. Then enjoy consistent progress tracking on the percentage of work completed as you make your way to 100 percent.

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    • Stephanie Redl
      Apr 13, 2021

      Would also be great if that setting can be inherited, so we can define it at the portfolio level.

      There is actually a tedious issue connected with this functionality missing: You have to specifically click into the progress field to get it to be included in the automatic calculation of the higher-level records. It’s fine if it’s on “Manually” by default, but at least it should be 0%, so it’s not ignored in the calculation.

      Here’s an example: 6 child initiatives are associated with one corporate initiative, one of them is 100% done, all others still on 0%. The progress should be (100 + 0 + … + 0)/6 = 16,6%, but on the Corp Initiative it shows 33%. Because only 3 of them are "enabled" and actually calculated in, so it’s (100 + 0 + 0)/3. This is especially confusing as the EVP looking at the 33% does not know that there are 3 others that are not making any progress… You have to click into the related records to figure out something is wrong. And every PM creating new initiatives needs to remember to enable progress...

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