When submitting an idea in a portal that requires authentication:
I can type the idea, click submit but then I am prompted to authenticate.
After authentication all content is lost and I have to type everything again.
can you please make this process more user friendly by at least keeping the content entered?
Hi Amit,
I see that you have also emailed support@aha.io. That is great. We'll respond via the support request. Thanks!
Hello Austin,
can you please help how I can update the existing idea on the respective product as recently i have completed the creation of the ideas like below line of code in python but could not able to understand what I have to do for the updating the ideas.
def CreateData(row):
mydata = { "idea": { "Idea reference": row[0],
"Idea name": row[1],
"Idea status":row[2],
"Idea score" : row[4],
"Idea created date" : row[5],
"Idea votes" : row[6],
pID = row[3]
jsonData = json.dumps(mydata,indent=2)
return pID,jsonData
def UpdateIdea(productID, mydataObject):
url = CreateAPIUrl(productID)
apiKey = GetAPIKey()
berear = 'Bearer ' + apiKey
response = requests.post(url, data=mydataObject,headers={"Content-Type": "application/json","Accept": "application/json","Authorization": berear})
def GetAHABaseUrl():
currentPath = GetCurrentPath()
data_folder = os.path.abspath(currentPath)
file_to_open = data_folder +"//AhaApiBaseUrl.dat"
infile = open(file_to_open, 'r')
for line in infile:
baseurl = line
return baseurl
LogError("API key read failed")
# GetAHABaseUrl()
def GetAPIKey():
currentPath = GetCurrentPath()
data_folder = os.path.abspath(currentPath)
file_to_open = data_folder +"/ApiKey.dat"
infile = open(file_to_open, 'r')
for line in infile:
apiKey = line
return apiKey
LogError("API key read failed")
# GetAPIKey()
def CreateAPIUrl(productID):
url = GetAHABaseUrl() + "/" + str(productID) + '/ideas/'
return url
LogError("Create url failed")
# CreateAPIUrl(productID)
def GetProductID(argument):
switcher = {'BPM SB Team 3':"BPMTEAM3"}
return switcher.get(argument, "XXXXXXXXXX")
Hi there, thank you for your idea. In the case you described, the details entered into the idea should be kept after authenticating. I will ask our customer success team to reach out and help your team get this straightened out.