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Easily Reference Fields More than One Relationship Away

I'd like to count the number of Requirements that roll-up to an Initiative without creating a custom worksheet formula on the Features, then referencing that field on the Initiative worksheet. I was informed by Aha! support that, "The worksheets can reach out one hop to a related record, so you must have a value on the intermediary feature in your case. "

This solution is problematic because I have to manual "generate" the worksheet for each Feature so it's not sustainable.

Here's the worksheet formula that works: (count(self.features[].custom.count_requirements{"Count Requirements"})>=1)

What I'd like to do instead of the above:


The ability to easily reference fields more than one relationship away is beneficial for all object types.

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    • Robert Rodriguez
      May 26, 2020

      This makes sense, I would love to see this too. Will clean up the system dramatically as you wouldn't need to make a worksheet in multiple places.