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Report filter - date type required format as YYYY-MM-DD instead of yyyy-MM-dd in the help text.

Currently we can configure the required format for the date field as per the Customer need. But the help text cannot be configured and this is required as Customer is specific about the Date formats.

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    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Jan 29, 2020

      Hello! Please let us know where in Aha! this help text can be seen. Or I wonder if maybe this is an idea for another tool. For now, I will mark this idea as 'will not implement', but we can revisit that if we learn more. Thanks!

    • Admin
      Julie Price
      Jan 21, 2020

      Thanks for the idea!

      Can you please share where this help text is visible for you? A screenshot would be super helpful, which you can obfuscate any sensitive customer information.

      When you create (or edit) a custom date field, you can add help text in the description section so that it appears on the record when you hover over the field name. However, it does not show up in its respective report filter. Is that what you are looking to do?