Currently, when selecting the Filter field values to Product Line on the persona custom field, it shows all records that are a descendent from the root product line.
It would be helpful to have an option to show only records in the current product line or parent product lines.
Same for Competitors field.
This upwards inheritance is a little bit senseless.
Each child workspace or product line can already inherit from above, and their personas, competitors (maybe others) should be exclusive to their branch.
It’s a bit weird that the parent inherits from the child in these two (maybe more) cases.
I wish for a feature that can traverse up a product line hierarchy, and not traverse a hierarchy into other product lines and workspaces. I want the personas in my linear hierarchy alone, and avoid the alternate product lines and their personas. With our larger collection of product lines, as a tree where lines split in 2 or 3 levels of product lines, we really cannot have all the varieties of personas listed from every level of all connected product lines, nor will we be happy with the requirement to craft personas fully at each workspace.
This would really improve the usability of the pick lists
We have quite a complex product hierarchy, made up of a number of parent and sub product lines. Some products have their goals set at product line level so this would be especially useful to narrow down the number of goals returned when using custom goals fields