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See inherited personas in the product's Strategy/Persona's page

It's great that we can inherit personas from parent products but we need to be able to see those inherited personas in the Strategy/Persona Page of a child product ... right now you need to change PRODUCT in order to see the inherited personas which is very unfriendly from a ux perspective 

    Nov 10, 2016

    As described, in order to see personas of child products, it's necessary to change the Product dropdown to the product of interest. This is a similar type of functionality that we currently have across the application. At this time, we do not have plans for updates in this area based on current priorities and existing functionality. While it may be interesting to see inherited personas, there may be scaling issues here in larger product hierarchies where it may not be as relevant.

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    • Michel Besner
      Nov 10, 2016

      can you at least enable a pull down menu right where you have the personas tab - otherwise you have to change product hierarchy, then click on strategy, then personas just to see a relevant persona ... very annoying to have all this navigation for just something as simple as a hierarchy of personas ... don't you think ?