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Created by Chrissi McNamara
Created on Oct 21, 2024

Group records by custom field on the Now, Next, Later roadmap

Who would benefit?

Anyone who uses a custom field as the key grouping e.g. market, product component, strategic pillar etc

What impact would it make?

Make the report usable for people who need the above.

How should it work?

Add options to the group-by drop down for 'custom field' then allow the user to pick a custom field.

    Dec 3, 2024

    You can now group records by custom field on the Now, Next, Later roadmap. Click on the Group by dropdown and choose the custom field you want to group by.

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  • Jolie Ricco
    Dec 3, 2024

    YAY! It is there! Thank you so much!

  • Jolie Ricco
    Dec 2, 2024

    Hello - This is marked as shipped. When might we be able to expect to see it in our systems? Presently it does not look to allow for it. Thanks.

    1 reply

Now, Next, Later - Group Records by Custom Record

What is the challenge? We categorize our features by value stream (custom field). We are unable to leverage the existing group by options for Now, Next, Later. What is the impact? We are unable to publish / leverage the Now, Next, and Later roadma...
Jolie Ricco 8 months ago in Roadmaps 3 Shipped

Allow additional "Group By" fields on the Now, Next, Later

What is the challenge? Currently, I can only group by Workspace or initiative... which is fine. But it would be more beneficial to me to group by custom fields like the gantt chart. The way we are structured, we use custome fields to group initiat...
Guest 5 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped