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Now, Next, Later report - ability to group records by goals

Who would benefit?

Anyone who wants to see their work grouped by the goal it delivers to

What impact would it make?

Make the report usable for people who need the above.

How should it work?

Add options to the group-by drop down for 'goal' (with roll-up levels) then allow the user to pick a custom field.

    Oct 21, 2024

    You can now group records on the Now, Next, Later roadmap by goal.

    Subscribe to this other idea to receive updates about grouping by custom field:

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    • Deirdre Clarke
      Jun 12, 2024

      There have been great updates to the now/next/later roadmaps recently - thank you!!

      Would still love to see this one - particularly the need to group the records by any field I wish (especially custom fields).

    • +1
    1 MERGED

    Group Now Next Later (initiatives) by goal

    Who would benefit? Anyone using NNL vies What impact would it make? can better visualise what's happening for the goal over the quarters How should it work? I'd just like to be able to group by goal so we can better see what's happening now and in...
    Nerissa Muijs about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped