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Categories Ideas portal
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 17, 2024

Support filtering to reports on idea portals without publishing the report as a shared web page

Who would benefit?

Field organizations using internal idea portals to submit proxy votes on behalf of customers and reviewing customer enhancement requests by organizations in reports published to idea portal pages.

What impact would it make?

The ability to expose customer idea votes to internal users through reports added to pages in an internal idea portal is really powerful, but it is almost useless if it requires potentially exposing all our customers to the outside world. Hidden urls is not really a good enough security measure these days.

How should it work?

It should be possible to expose filters on reports that is published to an internal idea portal without also having to publish the report as a public web page.

  • Attach files

Allow report filters to show in the portal without also sharing the report as a webpage

Who would benefit? Aha! Ideas Advanced users who have important reports with filters to publish to their portals, but do not want to also publish as webpages. What impact would it make? This would enable teams trying to create a full community on ...
Bonnie Trei 6 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped