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Enable to use Created By in Automation for Ideas

Who would benefit?

Administrators who are working on automations based on status.

What impact would it make?

It will help in automating assigned to whenever Ideas needs more information from creator.

How should it work?

An idea is submitted. Its assigned to someone within internal team. Internal team reviews and realizes that more information is needed before this can be taken forward. So we should have flexibility within Ideas (internal only) and not visible to portal users. this can be achieved provided Ideas Automation provides Created By field visible .

    Sep 24, 2024

    We just shipped a major update to support “same as” functionality for the following fields:

    • Standard user and date fields (i.e. “assigned to”, "created by", and “feature due on”)

    • Custom user and custom date fields

    • Additionally, we’ve added “same as” support for to-do assignees and email recipients

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    • Shiv Shankar Vedharajan
      Feb 6, 2024

      I would prefer to use Assigned to field assigned to user automatically based on status. For ex: if idea needs more information and if the user is internal, then we can automatically assign to the person. Our usecase is primarily internal wherein we can auto-assign to creator if it needs additional information. For this, our plan is to use Aha! automation but automation limits usage of created user.

    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Jan 19, 2024

      Hi @Guest,

      Thank you for the idea. Could you describe a little more what the automation would do with the created user, send them an email?

      Instead of automation, you could consider mentioning them in a comment on the idea and include your questions, like I have done here.