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Status Future consideration
Categories Capacity planning
Created by Max Robbins
Created on Oct 11, 2023

Best estimate on epics is confusing when child feature estimates are not complete

Who would benefit?

Situation: I am using the best estimate on an epic. The epic has 2 child features with no estimates. My epic is set to calculate detailed estimate from child features

Result: The epic shows the detailed estimate as Σ0 and not blank. Because of this, the best estimate is returning Σ0 even though there is no real detailed estimate.

This also applies when not all child features have completed estimates. It leads to the detailed estimate not truly being better than the initial estimate

What impact would it make?

Changing how the best estimate works on parent records when summing estimates from child records would impact the accuracy of estimates before all work is correctly estimated.

How should it work?

Best estimate should ignore 0 values in the detailed estimate, and should also only use detailed estimate if all the child records have detailed estimates added.

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  • Sébastien Lievain
    Oct 11, 2023

    I cannot agree more with this feedback ! Currently my capacity planning is totally crewed up... My only solution right now is to only consider Initial estimates which is not satisfactory.

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