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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 17, 2018

Estimate field defaultable to 'Calculated From Features'

We want all of our features' estimates to roll up to their epics.  As it is now, when we create new epics, we need to go and set that and it gets missed a lot.

    May 1, 2024

    Configure the workspace default so that newly created epics always calculate their estimate from features

    • Navigate to Settings > Workspace > Capacity planning

    • In the "Estimate association" section, update the Epics section to "Associate with features"

  • Attach files
  • Kole Hainz
    May 1, 2024

    Just bumping this up. Right now we having to manually set the estimate field for over 1,000! Epics to be calculated from features. Naturally, across so many records and so many product managers, this is getting missed.

    1 reply
  • Kole Hainz
    May 1, 2024

    Just bumping this up. Right now we having to manually set the estimate field for over 1,000! Epics to be calculated from features. Naturally, across so many records and so many product managers, this is getting missed.

  • John Gartner-Baca
    Apr 9, 2021

    This would be extremely helpful on the Epic level and even a step further to allow the option to roll up Estimates to the Initiative level if that is applicable to your business.

  • Guest
    Feb 3, 2021

    Agreed. I really need this for automated reporting and it seems like a no-brainer to add. Really hope that this idea becomes a reality soon.

  • Peter Laska
    Aug 31, 2020

    Also want the same.

    I'm baffled it's already the default behavior.

    What is the thinking in having them not linked / rolling up ?

  • Roger Oliver
    Nov 20, 2019

    I completely agree.  This would be a huge improvement and would reduce manual efforts.

  • Devin Henderson
    Jul 4, 2019

    It's pretty ridiculous that this isn't the standard. It just needs a default checkbox so we don't have to do it on each one. 

  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2019

    We want the same, plus the ability for the system to check 'Use Features estimates' by default on Master Features (so users don't have to remember to do this every time).