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Status Future consideration
Categories Capacity planning
Created by Chris Quigley
Created on Dec 16, 2022

Capacity planning - initial and detailed estimates behaviour in capacity report

If a record is assigned and you enter a detailed estimate it automatically assigns the entire estimate to that user, even if the detailed estimate is actually being driven by estimates entered on child records that are assigned to different people.

The work around today is to look at estimates at a lower level only.

Working at a lower level is possible but not ideal. It is helpful to see from a higher level how work has been estimated whether it is just at the higher level via an initial estimate or has been broken down into smaller records where more detailed estimates have been submitted.

Idea: Adding the ability to be able to choose whether to ignore the assigned to user for the record you have selected in the capacity planning for teams report. This would mean that the records using initial estimates would use the team based estimate. Records with detailed estimates rolling up from child records would use the child records allocations because the assigned user on the parent record is being ignored.


Epic has initial estimate and a detailed estimate rolling up from several child features. The features are assigned to different users who belong to different teams.

If you ignore the initial estimates assigned to user, the detailed estimates allocations on the features would be used in the capacity report instead of assigning 100% of the detailed estimate to the user that the epic is assigned to.

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