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Expand record relationship reporting to more levels of relationship

In pivot and custom roadmap reporting, I want to see information about more related records. I can currently pull in data about a related record, but nothing deeper. I would like to see information about records related to that related record as well and use those for grouping in reports.

Example use cases:

  • In a features custom roadmap, showing related features - I want the bars to reflect the start and end date of the release the related features are in.

  • In a features pivot, I want to group related features by the workspace line of the related feature. Feature -> related feature -> related feature's workspace -> related feature's workspace line.

  • In an initiatives custom roadmap, I want to group workspace initiatives by the company line goal their rollup initiative is linked to. Set up is:

    • Company line goal (group by)

      • Company line initiative

        • Workspace line initiative

          • Workspace initiative (primary report record)

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