Dear aha, could you please decouple the settings of actual effort field from initial and detailed estimate?
Scenario I am having>
teams handle estimations differently on requirement level in JIRA (stories, bugs, spikes..)
they do estimations either in story points
or MDs (just one or two teams)
or they do no estimation on requirements level at all (#no-estimate)
all teams do log their effort in time unit in JIRA on requirement level (stories, bugs, spikes..)
1+2 => to unify on feature level in AHA we estimate Initial and Detailed estimate (we call it Current MDs estimate) in MDs
feature is synced with Epic in JIRA
WHEN "actual effort" calculation is set to be based on requirements in aha, that aha consumes data from requirements being synced with our JIRA (stories, bugs, spikes..)
THEN our estimates within "detailed estimate" is affected by non-existent values in JIRA ...
OR we don't base feature estimates on requirements and thus we don't have the benefit of having actual effort calculated automatically as well
=> need to manually input it from other BI tools or JIRA reporting.. which is definitely no lovable... :-)
ALTERNATIVELY aha could decouple these settings from each other providing us with agility we need
Sharing fields from feature custom layout to demonstrate, that we are currently work-arounding the whole thing with custom set of fields.. which is not very ideal at all. Please consider my idea.
Native fields
Initial Estimate
Detailed Estimate
Actual Effort
Custom fields
Initial MDs Estimate
Current MDs Estimate
MDs spent
P.S. As you can see, we have a dimension to initial estimate for signalizing, that the overall estimate has changed. That is BTW something we would not get from detailed estimate hence we are going to keep it.
Just thought of a workaround.. final setup of my layout fields will be like:
.... all the preceding fields in the layout
Initial Estimate (native .. it does not change based on requirements actually..)
Current Estimate (custom)
Actual Effort (native)
.... all the following fields in the layout
Detailed Estimate (native.. but having it here just so that we have the ability to turn on "autocalculation of actual effort based on requirements synced with JIRA).
there is a potential to play with Story point settings .. does it affect actual effort? going to experiment..
edit 2: will not work.. as it would prevent using Initial estimate in MDs? This is becoming too complex. Decoupling the setting seems inevitable.
edit 3. actually swithing to story points estimate in capacity settings seem to be NOT WORKING AT ALL as aha still uses time for estimation when creating new feature. Valid for 2022-10-01 12:38 CEST
EDIT 3: Solution idea: separete feature and requiement estimation / capacity fields so that it's ready to stand the test of time and further evolution.
feature level
Initial Estimate
option to calculate from requirement level independently from other fields
Refined Estimate
option to calculate from requirement level independently from other fields
Actual Effort
option to calculate from requirement level independently from other fields
Original Estimate
Remaining Estimate
Work logged
add worklog description (jira has it)
AndAnd worklogworklogs datedate (jirajira hashas itit)
for all fields DoD
can be edited manually
retain historical revisions / who updated + when it was update
don't create any functional dependency between fields on different level (feature vs estimate), only parent level option to calculate based on related child item level field.
enable all for synchronization
create "update button" to resync all on feature and also on separately on requirement level
announce aha to the world as the only complete and most flexible cross entity, cross tool capacity management.