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Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Karla Johnson
Created on Jan 18, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-8726 Advanced Permission for Report creators .

Allow Report "edit" permissions for specific users (GM) Merged

Currently the reports allow for View or "View and Edit" ability for users within a product line/workspace, however on numerous occasions, we collaborate on generating org level reports but we don't want everyone in the area to update, only specific people who we want to collaborate with. This is also very useful when the primary user is not available to have backup for updates.

Use Case

We create a number of org level dashboards that contain org level reports that should not be changed by all users with access to the report. However, we need a few select people the ability to collaborate and maintain these reports as needed. This is not a feature now, and it is very limiting since in many cases, one person is on PTO or just not available and we need backup.

  • Clare Chawke
    Apr 24, 2023

    We also need this functionality.
    Currently the editing permission options are to "View only" or "View and edit". Additional options are needed so that you can grant Edit permissions to a sub-set of people who will "own"/"contribute" to the report. At the moment the file edit permissions very basic and means that if you want to allow another person edit permissions on a report, you need to grant "View and edit" to everyone.